Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Venice Public Art Walls @ The Venice Boardwalk

Lazy strolls along the Venice Beach boardwalk let us revisit the many famous Venice murals.
But take a detour off the boardwalk at Winward Avenue, walk out onto the warm sand, and you will catch Venice's fabulous mural show in progress:  graffiti artists at their craft working with incredible colors and designs.

The Venice Public Art Walls   (formerly "The Graffiti Walls") can be painted by just about anyone, which is why all sides of the long walls and structures are always covered with an amazingly diverse collection of graffiti styles.  The artists' works have been photographed throughout the years and archived by community organizations.

Who can paint?  Just about anyone!
Managed by STP-LA Foundation
   info. on applications/rules (as of 7/22/16):  info@stpla.org or bruno@stpla.org, (424) 264-6564

"Endangered Species"

"Endangered Species" (1990) by Emily Winters.  Ocean Front Walk at Park Avenue

"Homage to a Starry Knight" (1990) by Rip Cronk.  Ocean Front Walk at Wave Crest Avenue
"Venice Beach"

"Homage to a Starry Knight"
"Venice Beach" (1990) by Rip Cronk.  Ocean Front Walk at Wave Crest Avenue

"Venice Beach Chorus Line" by Rip Cronk.  Ocean Front Walk at Clubhouse Avenue

"Venice Kinesis" (1989/2010) by Rip Cronk [after Botticelli].  Speedway Ave. at Winward Ave.

"Touch of Venice" (2012) by Jonas Never.  Speedway Avenue at Winward Avenue
"Venice Beach Chorus Line"
"Venice Kinesis"

"Touch of Venice"
"Morning Shot" (1991) by Rip Cronk.  Speedway Avenue at 18th Place

"Arnold Schwartzenegger" (2013) by Jonas Never.  Speedway Avenue at 18th Place

"Arnold Schwartzenegger"
"Luminaries of Pantheism" (2015) by Levi Ponce.  Ocean Front Walk at South Venice Blvd.
"Luminaries of Pantheism"

"Morning Shot"

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